Answer of quiz "What's the name of this tree?"

The answer of quiz "What's the name of this tree?" was put on the ALBERO plant festival booth.

The answer is "Apple"
Did you answer correctly?

End of quiz of ALBERO plant festival

 It ended at the answer time of "What 'S this tree? quiz".
 Thank you for the application a lot.

 これから 集計してリスト作って、あす植物祭最終日に 答え発表です。
 I will total in the future, and make the list.
 It will be an answer announcement on a plant festival final day tomorrow.
 There is no post for the answer any longer though the tree is still planted in the plant festival hall.

 スティックマンはまだ ぶつぶつ言ってますけど、、w
 The stickman still says something. :p

Pansy 20 colors!!

Merry Christmas. All who loves flowers

Quiz of plant festival of ALBERO.
The answer is a deadline December 25.
We present the person who gives the right answer the tree.
ALBEROの植物祭 のクイズ。正解者には(クイズになっている木をプレゼント)
回答は 12月25日中で締め切りです。(SL時間)残りわずか!

A small man is muttering the last hint.
Please click the signboard of the quiz in the booth of the plant festival.
植物祭のブースで クイズの看板をクリックしてください。

GACHA GACHA was put on the hall of the plant festival.
植物祭の会場に ガチャガチャ を置きました。

It is the preceding about plant festival hall sales.
The pansy has entered by 20 colors.
Please decorate the garden of winter with L$ 5.
L$ 5 で 冬の庭を飾ってください。

植物祭は こちらから → festival of ALBERO

Christmas wreaths

We started sales of three kinds of wreaths in the Christmas booth.
3種類のリースを クリスマスブースで販売開始しました。

And, some are concealed in adjoining Zilch Mall.
Please look for a black star in Zilch Mall.

そのうちいくつかを 隣接するZilchのモールに隠しています。
Zilch Mall で 黒い星を探してください。

**Ringing Moon wreath_gold of the Christmas version

**Wreath of Poinsettia red_green that's no sound version

**Candle wreath Red_White

The present is concealed in any of the star.
There is a star with nothing, too.
星のどれかに プレゼントが隠されています。

I keep your fingers crossed ;-)
幸運を祈ります (^_^)

Hint of quiz

The hint of the quiz of the plant festival of ALBERO was updated.
It is a season of the flower.


Attention : Flowers are larger than real size because you must understand shape.
(The flower for the commodity becomes near a real size. )

The contribution of the answer is up to 25th.
The big hint might be presented on the final day ;-)
回答の投稿は 25日までです。
最終日に 大きなヒントが 出るかもしれません〜♪

Prize of photo contest

The prize in 1st place of photo contest was passed.
フォトコンテスト1位の賞品が 無事送られました。

One stock red Casablanca that had been made from the request was sent with the group gift.


***Only scenery & avatar and scenery :Your favorite flower is newly grown.

The victor's request was red Casablanca.
The bunch of three kinds of Casablanca was made, and it was sent to the victor.
勝者のリクエストは 赤いカサブランカでした。

***Story (A short story is appended to the photograph) :Right of residence of three months in the main garden or Meadow of Aught.

Hope was meadow of Aught.
The delivery is done on Saturday, and a part of the meadow of Aught is redecorated with victor's hand now.
How do it become, and the enjoyment.

土曜日に引き渡しが行なわれ、Aughtの草原の一部は 勝者の手によって、現在改装されています。


We started sales of the wreath

wreath of poinsettia: "Silent Night" rings when it touches the bell.
ポインセチアのリース:ベルにタッチすると 「きよしこの夜」が鳴ります。
Ringing Moon wreath : It becomes a door bell.

"Ringing Moon wreath" has a Christmas version and a daily version.
Ringing Moon wreathは、クリスマスバージョンと、デイリーバージョンがあります。

All are unkind about 20prim,
An unkind no modify,
trans only,
two size addition.
すべて不親切な 20prim前後
不親切な 編集 不可
trans onlyで

It is an experimental beginning of sales. It sells in the shop of Zilch XD.
実験的な販売開始です。 Zilchのお店で売ってます><

New hint

 昨日in出来なかったまま 外出しちゃったので、、、><
 1日遅れましたが 本日の日付変更時に アップしてきました。
 A new hint has been improved today though it was late all day long.

 blog 特別ヒントです。
 In addition, it's blog special hint.

 The tree has grown up at a dash. The shape of the tree is shape the tree original.
 However, it is not this shape that you sees in general.

 Is not original shape seen? The reason is around here.

 そして、これは 丁度(北半球で)今の季節の木の様子です。
 つまり、、常緑樹は 候補から外れると言うことですね。
 And, this is an appearance of the tree of a season today just (In the northern hemisphere).
 This isn't ,in a word, an evergreen. This is a deciduous tree.
 (The color of the leaf is somewhat different because of the kind. )

 さて、本日からの正解者への賞品は、この木の フルシーズン、no copyバージョンです。
 よく考えて ぜひ当ててください。
 Well, the prize to the person who gives the right answer from today is full season of this tree (no copy version).
 We're waiting for the correct answer.

 やった〜〜 フルシーズンコピーバージョン賞品獲得者 お初です。
 クイズが終わる迄 正解者の発表は出来ませんが、おめでとうございます〜〜。
 By the way, was there a person who gives the right answer by today?
 Yes,One correct answer.
 Congratulations though the person who gives the right answer cannot be announced until the quiz ends.

update of the hint is delayed

 ALBEROの 植物祭でやってるクイズのヒントの更新が 本日 16時ですが、
 障害のため ログイン出来ません。
 The update of the hint of the quiz done in the plant festival of ALBERO is 16 o'clock of today.
 However, it isn't possible to log it in due to the trouble.

 私は 仕事で 今から外出しなければなりません。
 I should go out on business now.

 I'm sorry.
 ヒントのアップは 夜中になります。
 The update of the hint becomes the middle of the night.

Road to dance hall

I planted and changed it today .
Green tree where lights up.

The setting at night is beautiful.

Renewal of tree

お買い上げの皆様には 新しい木を送らせていただいております。
Because the script of the tree was often indecent, we updated it.
A new tree is sent, and receive it, please.

以前のものも 使えますが、コピーバージョンをお持ちの場合は、新しいものの方が負荷が少ないので、
The one before can be used.
However, the load of the tree with a new tree of the copy version must be fewer.

もし お求めいただいたのに 届いていないとか、商品が足りないという場合は お手数ですが、mikatsuki Matovaまでお知らせください。すぐに 送らせていただきます。お手数おかけします。
Please inform me if there is incompleteness in our investigation.
We will send it by the addition at once.

The exchange object
It is the following commodities bought by November 20 - December 2nd 12:00.

Tree of small small leaf 全種
konifa02 全種
Tree for background 全種

なお konifa02は それ以前にも販売しておりますが、ご希望者のみの交換となっております。ご了承ください。
It is an exchange only of the applicant though konifa02 is sold before that. Please acknowledge it.