HelloIts information of Treasure Hunt participation. こんにちは
今日はTreasure Hunt参加のお知らせです。
From today, I was late and participated in the spring water hunt of the March 17 start. 3月17日から始まっている清水huntに遅ばせながら、参加致しました。
HuntPrize is here.
It is an ornament of
The cherry tree which the branch hung down.
In fact, this is what I wanted to decorate in own house, and was made. The cherry tree for sale is not formally made from forest feast. It is because it thinks that many cherry trees are already sold and a cherry tree probably does not have inconvenience. If I am also actually private, the cherry tree which I have bought is used, and also when allowed to make the some other yard, I have bought a cherry tree. 実はこれ、自分の家に設置したくて作ったもの。
forest feastでは正式に販売用の桜は作っていません。
But the inquiry "whether there is any cherry tree" comes like an every year. The year before last, the huge cherry tree is made from the order. I intended to draw it to the cherry tree at a good opportunity. However, it was more than going astray last year.Then, I thought just this year. I’m just not feeling it. Then, it is this that I drew by private life to make from the ornament which I wanted. でも、毎年のように「桜ないですか?」というお問い合わせは来るんですよね。
It is like decoration of a shopping center.:D商店街の飾り的な、アーケードの販促グッズ的な、、、w
Although a tree is simply planted into a house by SL, it does not go to such a reason by RL. But the branch of a cherry tree cannot be folded. SLでは簡単に家の中に木が植えられますが、RLではそういうわけにいきません。
Then, I had thought that I would decorate the picture of a cherry tree to the limit of the inside of a house for indoor cherry blossom viewing. I thought "if it carries out by SL, don't decorate not with a picture but with a branch." それで、屋内花見と称して、家中に桜の絵を飾ろうかと思ったことがあったのですが、
the display of a store -- can't it use, being able to be alike? Three kinds. お店のディスプレイとかに使えるんじゃないかなぁと。
All can be edited and copied. making it small -- a bay window -- it is lovely, even if it is alike and decorates. 3種類。すべて編集とコピーが可能です。
The participating item of Kiyomizu Spring Treasure Hunting is 80 now. Kiyomizu Spring Treasure Hunting は現在参加アイテムは80点。
Please get information from the poster of the Kiyomizu Mall and fly to a participating store. 清水モールのポスターから情報をgetして参加店に飛ぶのが早いと思います。
Kiyomizu Mall is here,清水モールは
こちら→http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Little%20Cat%20Japan/106/220/3304Please look for this "ninja cat." 探すのはこんな忍者ネコです。
forest feast should look for Japanese flower Booth. forest feastは、、、、Japanese flower Booth のほうを探してみて下さい。