Information is two today.
First of all, it is about Francesca of a title.
New SIM was connected with the east side of Aught.
The name of SIM is Francesca.
It's a lovely lady's name.
Mr. aki of anc Ltd. which has a store in Aught is making this SIM.
After establishing a store in Aught in summer, it's the peculiar feeling of the world, and is anc Ltd. which has increased the fan steadily.
SIM is also the completion which can fully enjoy the feeling of anc world.
ここは、Aughtにお店がある anc Ltd. のakiさんが作っているSIMです。
夏にAughtにお店を構えられてから、その独特の世界観で、着実にファンを増やしているanc Ltd.ですが、SIMもその世界観を充分に楽しめる出来上がりになっています。
Now, this SIM is only a group member's pre-open, and though opened, it's under modification every day.
Although I hear that formal opening becomes by the next year, how does it change by then?
Seeing is very pleasure.
見るのもとても楽しみな 空間です。
In order to go into SIM, you have to go into the group (charge) of anc Ltd.
The group of anc Ltd. sends a group gift etc. frequently from usually.
I think that it will register as a club member and there will be no loss if your hobby is likely to suit.
SIMに入る為には、anc Ltd.のグループ(有料)に入らなければいけないのですが、
anc Ltd.のグループは、普段からグループギフト等もこまめに出してくれるので、
Although days cold from now on at RL continue, although Francesca of the snow-covered landscape is white without knowing why, it's white gentle to and is not cold.
これからRLで寒い日々が続きますが、雪景色の Francescaは、なぜか白いのに、優しい白で、凛としてるのに、寒々しくないのです。
Please come to being immersed in the view of the world of anc Ltd.
ぜひ 貴方も、anc Ltd.の世界観に、浸りにいらして下さい。
And another information.
I was allowed to provide pre-opening of this Francesca with a small gift from forest feast this time.
今回このFrancescaのプレオープンに、forest feastからささやかなギフトを提供させていただきました。
The vine rose of the wildness which is due to be issued by next year.
I am allowed to use the color of pink called the Fade here as the limited gift of pre-opening of Francesca.
Since you can receive in SIM during pre open,
Please be given in the case of coming Francesca. Right or wrong Please come to being immersed in the view of the world of anc Ltd.
来年に出す予定の野生の蔓バラ。こちらの、Fadeというピンク系の色を、Francesca プレオープンの限定ギフトにさせていただいてます。
Of course, the gift has come also out of anc.
Wearing-type skateboard.
since it is a wearing type -- the place of Francesca full of stones :( it's calm and has ridden --:D
装着式のスケートボード。装着式なので、Francesca の石だらけの場所でも、がこがこ平気で乗ってられますw
But if it has ridden complacently by sky, it will fall (w which fell).
When it comes, he does not forget a gift and it is !.
Canterbury Gothic
2 週間前
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