December came and the work speed in SL has fallen.
However, there are many things to make.
If what is necessary is just to be able to finish little by little, I am establishing comparatively leisurely.
Although "Whether new articles for Christmas are released?" is said to a friend. It is annual there well (a store seldom does its best in a seasonal event.I'm sorry. .)
Now, two sorts of Masquerade Mask of the design which can be used by Unisex yesterday were put on the market from C-you.
さて、姉妹ブランドのC-youから、10月に女性向きをリリースしたMasquerade Maskですが、昨日Unisexで使っていただけるデザインを2種、発売しました。
One is Masquerade Mask Lace which dispersed here and there and inserted in the pattern of the lace.
1つは、レースの模様をあちこちに散りばめた、Masquerade Mask Lace
Another is Masquerade Mask Bird which was conscious of the craft of Japa
もうひとつは、和の工芸を意識した、Masquerade Mask Bird
Both are a main part of a mask, and a set of the decoration part.
Even if it combines only a mask only with a decoration part freely, it can be used.
Respectively, it is entering a resizing script and one set is L$150.
Only a copy is possible.
Please use marketplace, when you use for a present.
それぞれ、リサイズスクリプト入りで、1セットが L$150
プレゼントにお使いいただく場合は、マケプレを ご利用ください。
Sale is an accessories booth of JaZoo.
Since I am also preparing DEMO here, please try right or wrong once.
Canterbury Gothic
2 週間前
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