The renewed tree

Now, although it was the renewal work done little by little, the tree was renewed lately. 

Having renewed is the following 3 sorts. 
- White magnolia of the June, 2008 release.
- The ginkgo tree of the October, 2008 release.
- wind light tree of the April, 2011 release. 

・2011年4月に販売したwind light tree

Although written to the following report for details, it can exchange, when it has the old products.

However, there is also a portion which is somewhat different from the old products. Since the way of a previous work may suit your liking, please confirm well. 
What was planted in SIM is already planted in a new thing.

The difference is as about follows. 

White magnolia corrected 3prim to 1prim. A flexible setup becomes impossible. 
The ginkgo tree corrected 6prim to 1prim. Since the texture which was being divided into two until now was set to one, resolution has fallen.
A flexible setup becomes impossible. 

wind light tree corrected 5prim to 2prim.
Since the branch was summarized to 1prim, the position of a branch cannot be moved.

銀杏は、6primだったものを1primに。 今まで2つに別けていたテクスチャを1つにしましたので、解像度が落ちています。フレキシブルにも出来ません。
wind light treeは5primを2primに直しています。枝を1primにまとめたので枝の位置は動かせません。

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