The cherry tree was released this year also following the "someiyoshino" taken out last year.It's a weeping cherry tree this year.
A main part is 3prim.
The flexible branch for extension is enclosed.
Since the main part and the branch for extension are not linked, please use them in accordance with a place in a favorite position.
A large thing is about 15 m in height. The smaller one is about 10 m in height.
Since it can edit, some size change and adjustment of brightness can be performed.
If I call it a cherry tree since I'm from Kyoto, weeping cherry tree of Maruyama Park, the cherry tree of Gion Shirakawa, red weeping cherry tree of Heian Jingu, the Omuro cherry tree of Ninna-ji, etc. will occur. Other than the cherry tree of Shirakawa, it is not someiyoshino.
I pursued for the blooming flower and went here and there.
Do therefore or not? I like cherry trees other than someiyoshino.
weeping cherry tree is fund-raising goods of JAPAN FAIR 2014.
It becomes sale of only an event site during an event period.
枝垂桜はJAPAN FAIR 2014の募金商品です。イベント期間中はイベント会場のみの販売となります。
in Spring, near flower field It plants near the river of Aught.
Canterbury Gothic
2 週間前
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