HelloFantasy Faire was prosperous and finished this year also.
Could you buy what is wished?
Since I think that many stores sell at the main store also including fund-raising goods, when there are some which you failed to buy, please go to a main store.
Fantasy Faireは今年も盛況のうちに幕を閉じましたが、お目当てのお買い物は出来ましたでしょうか?
forest feast was also put on the store except Crime of Fantasy Faire limitation.
Since the vendor for fund-raising is also put on the booth of a fantasy kind, please see.
forest feastもFantasy Faire限定のCrime以外はお店に並んでいます。
The event of the fantasy increased recently.
Since an inventory will become chaos if a shopping event increases, I'm enjoying himself moderately.
最近はファンタジー系のイベントが増えたので、Fantasy Faireが終わったからと言ってうかうかしてられないんですが、お買い物イベントが増えるとインベントリーがカオスになってくるので、控えめに控えめに楽しんでいます。
I was absorbed in play and became late completely, the copy version of what sent in the latest event in here last evening has been registered to the marketplace.
Although registration of an old thing does not progress easily, please contact me, when a copy version is not found.
Although I think that it is hard to look for an item and it has become also in its store, there is a teleporter who flies to a booth in an information booth.
Since the booth is divided for every category, I think it early that I have it fly to reliance.
Press Release 2025
1 週間前