They are the release of the dress for petite avatars, and information of the hunt performed at Petite Kingdom opening.
petiteアバター用のドレスのリリースと、Petite Kingdomオープニングに行なわれるハントのお知らせです。
Although Petite Kingdom SIM opens still more at 12:00 (SLT) today, open,
For details, it is a previous report. It is a small crystal which is looked for although.
The hint is put up for Booth of the store which has participated in hunt although the store of many petite articles is opening a shop to Petite Kingdom.
Although a crystal is small, I think that it is comparatively easy to find it since the hint is intelligible.
いよいよ本日12時(SLT) Petite Kingdom SIMがオープンしますが、オープンと同時に、クリスタルハントが開始されます。
詳細は、先の記事 に書いた通りですが、探すのは小さなクリスタル。
Petite Kingdomにはいくつものpetite用品のお店が出店していますが、ハントに参加しているお店のブースには、ヒントが掲示されています。
Since there is blog which is introducing some premiums, please refer to it.
Urban Leyends
Hunt prize from forest feast is the dress released newly.
forest feastからのHunt prizeは 新しくリリースしたドレスです。
The dress released newly changed the design of "rinceaux dress(for usually)" for petite. Furthermore, wing only for petit was added.
A color is 5 colors, Blue, Green, Violet, Blood, and Yellow.
Yellow is Hunt Prize.
Wing are 2 colors.
Moreover, since adjustment of size cannot carry out a back chain easily, for the versions 1 & versions 2 are contained.
ver.2 can be worn although pop is photographed by the avatar of ver.1.
Although wing is attached, you take wing and think that you can sufficiently use also as an ordinary dress.
新しくリリースしたドレスは、通常アバター用の rinceaux dress をpetite用に少しデザインを変えて、更に専用の羽をつけました。
色はBlue, Green, Violet, Blood, Yellow の5色。
そのうち、YellowがHunt Prize です。
popはver.1 のアバターで撮っていますが、ver.2でも着ていただけます。
In fact, I like yellow individually.
Since yellow was not sold after hunt, I would like you to be given by hunt by all means.
Press Release 2025
6 日前