The season of Fantasy Faire came on this year also.
Fantasy Faire is a fund-raising event in SL which Relay For Life sponsors.
今年もFantasy Faireの季節がやってきました。
Fantasy FaireはRelay For Lifeが主催するSL内の募金活動です。
Relay For Life is an association of the volunteer aiming at an American cancer case and the support to the family. The fair for every theme is held also within SL every year, and many fund-raising is raised.
Relay For Lifeはアメリカの癌患者とその家族への支援を目的にしたボランティアの協会です。
forest feast participates this year also.
The poster of guidance is placed on the main store.
It's about 1 week from 20th April.
The event for which the stores of the fantasy relation in the SIM environment which a great creator makes every year, and in SL gather.
There're also a product on sale for a limited of Faire and hunt.
Those whom a fantasy likes must not have overlooking!
By the way, it is although I was advancing work for Fantasy Faire restlessly from the end of March, A while ago, in order to write a report, holding time was checked, and it was a surprise.
I misunderstood holding time more. If it's from 20th, there's time still more.
If it is making for Faire, the goods of general sale cannot be taken out till then.
Therefore, other things are begun now.
but -- Since Home & Garden EXPO which Relay For Life sponsors is after Fantasy Faire and it is due to participate also here, Although it's likely to become about 1-2 kinds even if it can surely release since the goods of the sake here must also be manufactured ..........
とはいっても、 Fantasy Faireのあとには同じRelay For Lifeが主催するHome & Garden EXPOがあって、こちらにも参加予定ですので、こちらの為の商品も製作しなくてはいけないので、きっと出せても1-2点くらいになりそうなのですが……………
Various roses are due to be carried this year into Home & Garden EXPO.
2 kinds of roses new at least are already under preparation. If it can do, I would like to release about 3 kinds.
Home & Garden EXPOのほうは、今年は薔薇をいろいろ持ち込む予定です。
Both will carry out guidance of goods by this blog near the holding time. I'm sorry if guidance is overdue.
どちらも、開催時期近くにはこちらのblogで 出店商品のご案内をさせていただこうと思いますが、「余裕〜」とかいいつつ、ギリギリになって焦ってるような気もしますので、ご案内が遅れたら申し訳ないです。
There is a guidance poster in the information booth of a main store.
A note card arrives by poster click.
Information on a participating store or other events Please see the blog page of Fantasy Faire.
参加店舗やその他イベントの情報は Fantasy Faireのblogページを、ご覧ください。
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