about the group gift of wing "ka ge ro u"


It's an apology about the group gift of wing "ka ge ro u" I was allowed to announce to you with the report here.
Although it's a gift of ~petites~group, the guidance which comes out when group tag is different this, It had become "activate the group tag of forest feast."

こちらの記事でご案内させていただいた ka ge ro u の羽の グループギフトですが
forest feastのグループタグをアクティブにして下さい」 となっていました。

It's rightly receivable with the tag of a ~petites~group.
I'm sorry as it has been made to get confused for an error text.  
A while ago, I have corrected the error text.

This is put only on Petite Avatar Kingdom
Wing which booth for petite avatars of forest feast has is a group gift of a forest feast group.
Since a color is different, please get both.
なお、こちらは Petite Avatar Kingdomのみの設置となります。
forest feastpetite アバターブースにある羽は、forest feastグループのグループギフトです。

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