Rose garden Renewal

I did my best in modification of the promised Rose garden yesterday. 

For modification, new work was made once, and the former work was renewed. Actually remodeling the yard was able to start at last. 
The rose which is still due to be planted partly is not planted, and there are some which were placed temporarily.  Once, I think that a rose garden can be enjoyed. 
Then, temporary opening is carried out.

Since I am preparing the group gift etc. when formally open, please the back waits a little. 

The main purposes of this renewal are planting as a sample the rose whose kind increased if possible,
Make approach from the yard to the yard easy to carry out.
And it is Booth's extension. 


Although it finished early comparatively, since Booth's extension has not done yet pop of the goods which should be installed in an extended part, it is still under closing. 
This extension is for the sale of items other than the plant put on the yard and for the rose goods increasing in number. 
I think that some become easy to carry out shopping since it extended so that a main booth and a rose booth might be connected. 

The new booth of rose is here
You can TP also in former LM. (However, it arrives just before a wall :/ ) 
以前のLMでもTP出来ますが、壁ギリギリに到着しちゃうので、一応各所に設置しているteleporter は入れ替えました。

the entrance of a rose garden
 Before, the approach to the yard was divided in somewhat high land, and the number of the entrances of a rose garden was one. Land is made flat and it was made to put in also from the next yard this time. 

Although the position of the entrance of a rose garden has not changed, I think that the view from an entrance changed very well. 
Like the rose garden of RL, you can walk slowly, enjoying various roses.

And although it was a thicket of the rose as an important sample, a complete range was not able to be planted though it was regrettable. 
Although there is an existing thing which is still due to be planted by the kind which is not planted partly, it does not become a complete range even if it plants it. 
I think once that 1 color of each kind will do its best somehow so that it may plant. 

The entrance of The Rose Garden is here. 

pass from the entrance of a rose garden to an open cafe 

From the following report, some information of the renewal article of old goods continues. Each renewal goods can be exchanged when you have old goods. In exchange hope, please inquire.
 (Renewal is mainly "usually prim's being changed to sculpt-prim and a prim number's being reduced", and "being mitigation about collapse of sculpt-prim".There is much what has the high flexibility which the way of old goods edits in person. Please be careful in the case of exchange.  )
In addition, there are also goods which are sales stops partly.
(リニューアルはおもに、通常primをスカルプに直して、prim数を減らしたり、スカルプの崩れを軽減したりの処理になります。 旧作のほうがご自身で編集する自由度が高いものが多いので、交換の際はご注意ください。)


Under modification of a rose garden. Saying, old rose is remade, the hand was suddenly applied to other flowers, and the rose garden is late increasingly. 

Since something to do rapidly will increase if time passes, I have troubled myself by myself. 

Under those circumstances, other flower 1. 
It is a flower garden of the hydrangea of the present time. 

Although a texture had hardly changed with before, how to construct prim was changed. It was made to look more naturally than before. 
Moreover, the prim number decreased.
The cover range is 16msq.It is the same as before.  

It is 2 kinds which were planted in the shape of a border by size difference. 
16msq is used combining these two kinds every 4 respectively.
If it is used separately, it can use for the border garden planted in the side of a way, etc.

カバー範囲は16m四方と 以前と同じなのですが、ボーダー状に植え込んだものが、サイズ違いで2種類。この2種類をそれぞれ4つづつ組み合わせて16m四方にしていますので、バラバラにすれば、道の脇などに植え込むボーダーガーデン用にも使えます。

Although I think that it is almost comfortable even if you use for full bright, since it is deep-colored the hydrangea currently taken out with forest feast, sample turned off brightness and has applied glow lightly. 
Since you can edit, please use according to the place to plant. 
forest feastで出している紫陽花は色が濃いめなのでフルブライトでお使いいただいてもあまり違和感がないと思いますが、見本植えは、明るさをoffにして 軽くglowをかけています。

This hydrangea becomes the 3rd upgrade.
When you wish exchange with an old hydrangea, please write your avatar name to a note card and send a hydrangea old to mikatsuki Matova

I will send a thing with the new same color.  
(The version 1 is made only usually prim.The version 2 is made usually prim & scalp. Although I think that there is liking, respectively, a previous version carries out a sales stop.)
この紫陽花はバージョンアップ3度目となるのですが、もし以前の紫陽花との交換をご希望の場合、ノートカードあなたのアバター名を書いて、mikatsuki Matova まで以前ご購入された紫陽花をお送りください。

In addition, the copy version is sold in the marketplace

The sample is planted around here.

Couple dance

We had been receiving the request for some time. want you to put intan for a couple dance in the garden.
There is a small dance hall once and it has placed some dance balls. However, those who are familiar with the dance too could enjoy the way changed by intan.

Since music was not passed to feast, it came to pass music and the request increased increasingly from the first although there was also a feeling which thinks that dancing here and there is not suitable however, intan of the couple dance was put on feast lately. 

The terminal is placed here and there so that it can dance anywhere in feast SIM. 
Since the original form never suits the scenery of SIM in that case, the terminal has such a form. 
基本はダンスホールで、、、ですが、feast SIMのどこでも踊っていただけるように、子機をあちこちに設置しています。

Please look for the neighborhood where the butterfly is flying about.
Although the near egg was before made as an egg of a dragon, it put in the system of the terminal there. 

A dance ball comes out of this egg by touch.

It is put only on feast now. 

Once, it is due to put also on Aught. However, for the moment, Aught is not passing music.
Land is divided first, the place which can be danced is made and it becomes the installation after putting in music. 

一応Aught にも置く予定で準備は出来ているのですが、Aught はいまのところ音楽を流していないので、土地を区切って、踊れる場所を確保して、音楽を入れてからの設置になります。

Please also enjoy a dance, when you come to a date at feast.

Home & Garden EXPO 2013 ended

Home & Garden EXPO was ended with no problems.
When we felt relieved, the return of what was placed a while ago was all carried out. :p (In
Fantasy Faire, since we collected leisurely, we were inattentive.)

Home & Garden EXPO が無事終了いたしました。
(Fantasy Faireはのんびり回収で来たので、油断してました。)

This total fund-raising amount was US$30,365 (that's nearly L$7,600,000).
Thank you for your cooperation. 

今回の募金総額はUS$30,365 (約 L$7,600,000日本円だと約300万くらい?)になったようです。