Seemingly although completely established as a Japanese garden tree, this is a China native naturalized plant.
(when Japanese name shimotsuke of Spiraea japonica is translated by web, it will come out as meadow sweet.This name is also favorite.)
バラ科シモツケ属らしいのですが、 シモツケの仲間は大好きなので、できればいくつか作りたいと思っています。
(シモツケをwebで翻訳するとmeadow sweetって出てくるんですよね。この名前も大好きです。)
I got carried away and filled the flower.
The flagging branch is very pliant. A tree shape beautiful with a low tree is a very easy-to-use garden tree.
Colorful spring yard.
The white flower of a low tree becomes a good relaxant of a small flower and flowering trees and shrubs.
At Cozy port Mall, it is sold for L$5 till 31st. A copy version is also a simultaneous release & this is L$10.
It is due to sell from April in the garden flower booth & the tree booth.
31日までは、Cozy port Mallで L$5です。コピーバージョンも同時リリースで、こちらは、L$10です。
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