Petit pas Mall in which a very wonderful shop gathered shut at the end of last month.
forest feast had opened the rose specialty store in this mall. The number of some rose flowers was able to be increased for the mall branch shop period.
先月末 とてもすてきなお店が集まったpetit pas Mall が閉じました。
forest feastも このモールに出店させていただいていたのですが、薔薇専門店という形での出店だったので、mall出店期間中 いくつかの薔薇の花を増やすことが出来ました。
The rose of the Mall limitation was put on this Mall branch.
However, because Mall ends, and the sales place was lost, it has set it up to buy it in the main store.
このMall支店には Mall限定の薔薇を置かせていただいていたのですが、Mallの終了と共に、販売場所がなくなったので、本店で買えるように、設置してきました。
It's Entrance Rose.
Several stocks have been planted in the rosery.
Entrance Roseです。
When having set it up in the main store, the dark red color had been increased.
The kind of the rose seems to increase a little more.
2 日前
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