Crystal rose is made on the assumption that glow is set up. However, glow varies with the environment of those who see. How for it to be visible also according to the environment of a setting position is influenced. If especially a background is bright, it may be said that it is too dazzling and is not visible. Crystal roseは glowを設定することを前提に作られています。
また 設置場所の環境によっても見え方が左右されます。
Modify of Object is possible, please adjust according to your environment. オブジェクトの Modifyは可能ですので、どうか環境に合わせて調整してください。
There is also a person that dislikes glow. The flower of forest feast is fundamentally. It is trying to look finely, even if it does not put in glow. However, this Crystal rose is a stage which creates a texture, and by setting up glow, it is drawn so that it may look beautifully.
If glow cannot be entered, an impression is completely different. 中にはglowが嫌いだという方もいらっしゃいます。
forest feastの花は、基本的に glowを入れなくてもきれいに見えるように心がけていますが、今回の
Crystal roseに関しては、テクスチャーを作成する段階で、glowを入れてきれいにみえるテクスチャーになるように描いていますので、glowを入れないと、印象が全く違うものになります。
For those who do not want to still set up glow ;-pWhen glow is set up & When not setting up It compared. I put a comparison picture in order. Please use reference of shopping. それでも敢えて glowを入れたくない方の為にww
glowを入れた時と、入れない時の 比較をしてみました。
Basic (+Transparency, +Glow) Daytime, Fantastic color
(-Transparency, -Glow) Daytime, Fantastic color
(-Transparency, -Glow) Night, Fantastic color
Basic (+Transparency, +Glow) Daytime, Crystal each color
(++Transparency, +Glow) Daytime, Crystal each color
(-Transparency, -Glow) Daytime, Crystal each color

Basic (+Transparency, +Glow) Daytime, Fantastic color
(-Transparency, -Glow) Daytime, Fantastic color
Basic (+Transparency, +Glow) Daytime, Crystal each color
(-Transparency, -Glow) Daytime, Crystal each color