cozy port LB_full full rose pink

Although group notice passed, the lucky board has been put on cozy port.
It's the LB limited color pink of full full rose.
グループノーティスに流したのですが、先ほど、cozy portにLBを置いてきました。
full full rose のLB限定カラーpinkです。

It's receivable without group relations.
It"s turning in 5 minutes by the summer fest limited time offer.
summer fest期間限定で5分で回っています。

Clematis armandii

The 2nd new product is Clematis armandii.
Although we wanted to make the small clematis often used for the background of the rose of an English garden, it was able to make at last. 

Clematis was put on the market also to the summer fest of Cozy Port last year.
Then I said "I would like to make various clematis." 

新商品2つめはClematis armandii です。
イングリッシュガーデンの薔薇の背景によく使われる、小さなクレマチスを 作りたかったのが、やっと作る事が出来ました。
確か、去年のCozy Portのサマーフェスタにもクレマチスを出したのですが、そのとき、いろんなクレマチスを作りたい、、と言ったような事を言ってたと思います。

This is the kind which is called the pure breed line in clematis and by which species are seldom improved. 
A tough vine is extended and it grows up into a quite big stock.  
Although a flower is small, when it is in full bloom, it is wonderful volume and a scent is also expensive,
Since it is a vine and easy to make a form, it is found useful making the natural yard.

これはクレマチスの中で、原種系と呼ばれる、あまり改良されていない 品種です。

Although it has twined and planted in the fallen tree at the side of the rose garden of feast, 5 kinds from which a form is different are packed up so that it may be easy to arrange at the wall of a house, and favorite places, such as a wall.
It can use, even if it makes the root of a flower bed crawl horizontally. 


color is only white. Although the flower color which is not sometimes in fact might be made, since I would like you to use this in white by all means, it was made only into this 1 color.
花色は白一色 原種系のものは花色が少ないのが多く、時々はSLだからいいかなと、実際にはない花色を作る事もあるのですが、これはぜひ白で使っていただきたいので、この1色だけにしました。

Please use for the background of your garden. 

full full rose

Little Summer Fest 2013 of Cozy Port started. 

There are 2 new products from forest feast this time. 
We made at the time of rose garden modification.
Cozy Port Little Summer Fest 2013が始まりました。
今回のforest feastからは新商品2点。

This is introduced today. 

Name is  full full rose
Something is lovely sound. 

Although the neighborhood of ours has a house in which various kinds of roses are planted like a rose mansion, The owner of the yard is taking care of the yard very carefully, and a flowerful of the yard is seen splendidly every year. 
名前は full full rose

It made based on the rose which was in bloom so that it was full to the brim.  
Since it was full of bloom so that is "full full"
溢れるように咲いていたので、full full

The form of Tree is the form of the old time when the rose was called "soubi" in Japan. It has formed thickly to the low tree. 
(If it is called a rose, the image of an Occidental flower is strong, but it is old that the cultivated species went into Japan.The rose itself is a tree with very many kinds, there are also many pure breeds, and the area is also distributed widely.)

I prepared 8 colors.
It can edit. Even if it enlarges and plants, it is drawing so that appearance may carry out. 

I think usage also for the background of a lovely flower.  
Since the sample is planted near the entrance of a rose garden, please look at thing.


Cozy Port Little Summer Fest

Cozy Port Little Summer Fest 2013

The sale of summer of Cozy Port will start tomorrow. 
From forest feast, 2 new product is sold at half the price. 
いよいよ明日からCozy Portの夏のセールです。
forest feastからは 2点 新商品を半額で出しています。

One is full full rose which placed different colors as a group gift the other day. 
It's 2 sets is L$35→L$15 
Another is Clematis armandii
5 forms enter. it's L&50→L$25
The copy version is also placed here. (L$300->L$150)
1つは先日グループギフトで出した full full rose 
2つセットでL$35→ L$15
もう1つは、Clematis armandii 

LB of "full full rose" is also due to be placed from the 21st. 
少し遅れて21日からは full full rose のLBも設置予定です。

The new product also of the store of the others in a mall is an inexpensive price.
Please come by all means during a period! 

Weepingstandard form Rose

Now, it is information of the rose released newly.

In fact, I do not somewhat like the rose of standard form. 
Although the rose of forest feast has many things of the form near wildness, this is my favorite expression as it is. 
I like the figure extended freely than form pruned by having bent the branch.
However, only this weeping standard form is special. 
Originally, I have been charmed from the time of seeing the rose of this form, although there is also a thing which likes the kind called a weeping.
forest feastの薔薇のラインアップを見ていただくと、野趣豊かな作りのものが多いのですが、これはそのまま私の好みの現れです。
枝を曲げ、剪定をし、せっせと形作ったものより、自由に伸びた姿のほうが好きなのです。ですが、このウィーピングスタンダード(weeping standard)仕立てだけは別。

This is the form which Mr. Tsuyoshi Ishii of the Japanese rose gardener developed. After being announced, among the gardeners in the world, it was much talked about.
I hear that wild rose is used for a stock.
I thought that I would next make this weeping standard by all means since wild rose was released this year. 

これは日本人の薔薇園芸家の 石井強さんが確立された仕立て方で、まだまだ歴史は浅いのですが、発表されてから世界の園芸家の間で、とても話題になりました。

It is said that there still are not many kinds suitable for this form. 
It is 2kinds x 4color each + gray for decoration flowers which was made to second life. 
1 stock is made of 2 parts of a base part & increase part of a branch.  
In prim saving, since it can edit, a link is removed, and even if it removes a increase part, it can be used. 
Since the flexible branch is also put in by the addition, when prim has a margin, please use as a variation.
second life用に作ったのは2品種各4色+デコレーションフラワー用のグレイ の9色です。

At a new release price, it is the half of a usual price for one week from today. 

Rose garden Renewal Open

We can announce you renewal opening at last. 
As written with the last report, 1 color of each kind is planted in the rose garden
I think that it is optimal as a sample to plant all the total kind colors. Though regrettable, appearance will not be not much desirable from a prim number, either. A compromise was reached around here.

With modification, the new product was released.
About it, it is the following report. 

Moreover, some old goods are renewed.
Although the continuation contribution of the detailed explanation here is carried out at some reports, the outline is listed here. 

rose renewal version 
rose renewal version

Now, I was allowed to prepare a group gift in commemoration of opening. 
The small stock of old rose (It was popular at Home & Garden EXPO). 
About this, it is a 3-color set.
Since the whole has much green, it does not quarrel with other flowers.
I think that it is an easy-to-use rose.
It can edit, and even if it enlarges so so, it has made so that it may be equal.
Please adjust according to liking. 

Home & Garden EXPOでご好評だったold roseの小さな株。

This is receivable for 10 days in a rose booth.
Please activate a group tag and receive it from the panel here.


The lucky board was placed next to the group gift vendor.
2 colors of different colors of the same rose as a group gift are contained. 

Since it is receivable without group relations, if you win here, please accept it. 
For the moment, the lucky board was not decided during the period. 

2color for lucky board
One more
There is a sale of summer by cozy port soon.
Therefore, since one of the made flowers was a rose, one of them was placed into the rose garden as a limited color of a group gift.

近々 cozy port で夏のセールがあるのですが、その為に作った花の1つが薔薇だったので、そのうち1つを、グループギフトの限定カラーとして、薔薇園の中に置きました。

This is receivable in the tea drinking space in a rose garden for 10 days.
Please activate a group tag and touch the book of a table. 



rose renewal version (Re-printing)

A list portion is re-published. リスト部分を再掲載します。

It is about the renewed rose and the rose of a sales stop

A thing exchangeable as an update version is among the renewed roses. 
After examining specification, those who wish to exchange need to send "the previous version with the note card which wrote your avatar name" to mikatsuki Matova
Old goods may suit the purpose of your use more. Please be sure to check specification. 
仕様をご検討の上、交換ご希望の方は、旧作をアバター名を書いたノートカードと共にmikatsuki Matovaまで送ってください。

Rose encompassed me (field type rose)
old version: Continuation of sales 旧バージョン:販売継続
exchange : Possible 旧バージョンとの交換可能
The prim number of a new version is decreasing. However, since it's Sculpted prim, it's not flexible. An old version has the high flexibility of edit.

An in-depth story is here. 詳細記事はこちらです。 

rose garden end
old version: Sales stop  旧バージョン:販売停止
exchange: Impossible 旧バージョンとの交換不可能
By upgrade, flower end for field type became unnecessary.
Although a new flower is released by the same name, specifications completely differ.

field タイプの薔薇のアップデートにより、端に使う為のパーツが必要なくなりました。

An in-depth story is here. 詳細記事はこちらです。 

Stock of Rose
old version: Continuation of sales  旧バージョン:販売継続
exchange : Possible 旧バージョンとの交換可能
New version is 1prim. However, since it's Sculpted prim, it's not flexible. An old version has the high flexibility of edit. 

An in-depth story is here. 詳細記事はこちらです。 
Rose of hanging
old version: Sales stop 旧バージョン:販売停止
exchange: Impossible 旧バージョンとの交換不可能
The previous version is slightly released with the gift.

An in-depth story is here. 詳細記事はこちらです。 

  Arch of Rose
old version: Sales stop  旧バージョン:販売停止
exchange : Possible 旧バージョンとの交換可能
The prim number of a new version is decreasing. However, since it's Sculpted prim, it's not flexible. An old version has the high flexibility of edit. 

An in-depth story is here. 詳細記事はこちらです。 

Rose along wall
old version: Sales stop  旧バージョン:販売停止
exchange : Possible 旧バージョンとの交換可能
The prim number of a new version is decreasing. However, since it's Sculpted prim, it's not flexible. An old version has the high flexibility of edit.  

An in-depth story is here. 詳細記事はこちらです。 

Cage of Rose  Hedge of Rose
old version: Sales stop 旧バージョン:販売停止
exchange: Impossible 旧バージョンとの交換不可能
Cage of Rose from which specification differed was released. 
Cage of Roseと同じ名前で仕様を変えたものを新しくリリースしています。

An in-depth story is here. 詳細記事はこちらです。 

By this update, sale of the copy version was begun, respectively.
The copy version is sold in the marketplace. 

All previous versions are trans possible versions. Exchange with a copy version cannot be performed. 


Arch of Rose -renew

The reports here are details of the renewed rose.
Arch of Rose
old version: Sales stop  旧バージョン:販売停止
exchange : Possible 旧バージョンとの交換可能
It's an arch-like rose.
A base is 3prims.
1prim for a volume up is added and they are a total of 4prims.
Furthermore, the flexible branch is included.


I think that there were about 16 prim of previous versions only by box prim.
The part and form were changed quite freely. It was able to change into forms other than an arch.The previous version of the flexibility of edit is higher.
New versions cannot do flexibly and cannot perform fine division or modification, either.
In exchange hope, please be careful.
旧バージョンはbox primのみで16primくらいあったと思います。

When you wish exchange with an previous version Rose, please write your avatar name to a note card and send a Rose previous version to mikatsuki Matova. 
I will send a thing with the new same color. 
旧作をアバター名を書いたノートカードと共にmikatsuki Matovaまで送ってください。

Rose along wall -renew

The reports here are details of the renewed rose.

Rose along wall
old version: Sales stop  旧バージョン:販売停止
exchange : Possible 旧バージョンとの交換可能
It upgraded, in order to reduce the number of prims.
The previous version was the combination of only box prim.
4 kinds with different size and shape are packed.
Please combine them and design freely.
Each form is 1prim.
旧バージョンはbox primのみの組み合わせでした。

However, like a previous version, it cannot do flexibly and cannot perform fine division or modification, either. 
The previous version of the flexibility of edit is higher. 
In exchange hope, please be careful. 

A texture is almost the same as a previous version.
When you wish exchange with an previous version Rose, please write your avatar name to a note card and send a Rose previous version to mikatsuki Matova. 
I will send a thing with the new same color. 
旧作をアバター名を書いたノートカードと共にmikatsuki Matovaまで送ってください。

Refer to the picture for the contents of packing.

The color number of this rose increased from the previous version.
I am preparing 5 colors in all. 


Hedge of Rose -renew

The reports here are details of the renewed rose.

Cage of Rose  Hedge of Rose
old version: Sales stop 旧バージョン:販売停止
exchange: Impossible 旧バージョンとの交換不可能

The previous version had a rose involved in a fence called Cage of Rose and Hedge of Rose.
The sales stop of them was carried out and similar rose were released newly. 

The following points are different although a rose kind is the same as the previous version
旧バージョンに Cage of RoseHedge of Roseという柵に絡んだ薔薇がありました。

 - It is not a texture about an iron fence portion. The solid is used by sculpted prim. 
 - A flower is 1prim. There is not flexible prim. 
 - A straight type fence and the fence arranged in in the shape of a circle are included.
 - The iron fence and the flower are not linked.
 - Details are upgraded although a kind and the basic form of the texture of a flower are the same.
 - The color number increased.


The contents of packing are as follows. 梱包内容は以下の通りです。
straight 2.5m ストレートな柵 (3prims) x3
straight 5.5m
ストレートな柵 (5prims) x2
straight 8m
ストレートな柵 (7prims) x1
semicircle S 1/4サークル状の柵 (5prims) x2
semicircle M
半サークル状の柵(9prims) x1 

Color is preparing 8 colors. 

Rose encompassed me -renew

The reports here are details of the renewed rose.

Rose encompassed me (field type rose)
old version: Continuation of sales 旧バージョン:販売継続
exchange : Possible 旧バージョンとの交換可能


It's a rose flower garden.
The previous version was a flower garden using 20 cylinders prims. 

A new version covers the same 20mSQ as a previous version, using 3 kinds of sculpted prims a total of 9 pieces.  
Although the prim number was also able to be stopped more in fact, the nature of user-friendliness, extendibility, and appearance was considered and it became this form.
旧バージョンは シリンダープリムを20こ使った花畑でした。

The contents of packing are as follows. 梱包内容は以下の通りです。
 Smaller flower garden 小さめの花畑 (8x10 m) x4
 Border garden M
ボーダーガーデンM (4x12 m)x2
 Border garden S
ボーダーガーデンS (3x6.5 m)x3 

A link is removed and can be combined with various forms according to the place to plant. 
If the English garden is made, it will become easy to make the border garden which becomes wanting. 

However, like a previous version, it cannot do flexibly and cannot perform fine division or modification, either.
The previous version of the flexibility of edit is higher. 


A texture is almost the same as a previous version.
It can use, even if it mixes a previous version.
The rose here also continues and sells a previous version.
Please choose according to liking. 


The pop here is attached to the previous version. 
When you wish exchange with an old Rose field, please write your avatar name to a note card and send a Rose old to mikatsuki Matova
I will send a thing with the new same color. 


旧作をアバター名を書いたノートカードと共にmikatsuki Matovaまで送ってください。 

By the way, 1 color of new colors were added in the new version.
It is the purple rose here.
It is familiar that will point out this purple with a rose in many cases if it is said that it is blue. 

There is also a blue rose unique to Second Life. However, in liking, please use purple for the near yard with reality.
Second Life ならではの青薔薇もありますが、リアルに近いお庭をお好みの場合、ぜひブルーガーデンには、こちらを使ってみてください。

Rose garden end -renew

The reports here are details of the renewed rose.

rose garden end
old version: Sales stop  旧バージョン:販売停止
exchange: Impossible 旧バージョンとの交換不可能


Before, the rose currently sold by the same name became a sales stop. 
It is a thing for compensating the unnaturalness of the end of the flower garden of a cylinder-like rose from the first, is having changed the form of the flower garden, and is because it was less necessary. 

Although the goods here sold newly are the roses of the same kind as a flower garden, they can be used individually. 
(It can be used for the ends of the flower garden of a previous version like before.) 

The roses planted several stocks is 2sets packed up.

The color is preparing the same color as Rose encompassed me(field type rose)
色は、Rose encompassed me (field type rose)と同じ色をご用意しています。

Stock of Rose -renew

The reports here are details of the renewed rose.

Stock of Rose
old version: Continuation of sales  旧バージョン:販売継続
exchange : Possible 旧バージョンとの交換可能

These are flowers of several stocks.
The previous version was using 3 box prims.
A new version is using 1 sculpted prim.  

You can freely change the size, bright, and glow by the edit display. 

However, like a previous version, it cannot do flexibly and cannot perform fine division or modification, either. 
The previous version of the flexibility of edit is higher.

A texture is almost the same as a previous version.

The rose here also continues and sells a previous version. 
Please choose according to liking.

The pop here is attached to the previous version. 
When you wish exchange with an previous version Rose, please write your avatar name to a note card and send a Rose previous version to mikatsuki Matova

I will send a thing with the new same color.  

旧作をアバター名を書いたノートカードと共にmikatsuki Matovaまで送ってください。

Color is the same as a previous version, I am preparing 6 colors. 

Rose of hanging -renew

The reports here are details of the renewed rose.

Rose of hanging

old version: Sales stop 旧バージョン:販売停止
exchange: Impossible 旧バージョンとの交換不可能

It's rose hanging.
This rose was only before taken out slightly as a gift. It isn't a candidate for exchange.
The previous version was using 3 box prims.
A new version is using 1 sculpted prim.  

You can freely change the size, bright, and glow by the edit display. 

Color is preparing 8 colors. 

rose renewal version

Although these contents of contribution were due to be announced at the end of last month, they were behind in information for other business. 


It is about the renewed rose and the rose of a sales stop


A thing exchangeable as an update version is among the renewed roses. 
After examining specification, those who wish to exchange need to send "the previous version with the note card which wrote your avatar name" to mikatsuki Matova
Old goods may suit the purpose of your use more. Please be sure to check specification. 
仕様をご検討の上、交換ご希望の方は、旧作をアバター名を書いたノートカードと共にmikatsuki Matovaまで送ってください。

Before a detailed introduction, a list is up below. 

Rose encompassed me (field type rose)
old version: Continuation of sales 旧バージョン:販売継続
exchange : Possible 旧バージョンとの交換可能
The prim number of a new version is decreasing. However, since it's Sculpted prim, it's not flexible. An old version has the high flexibility of edit.

An in-depth story is here. 詳細記事はこちらです。 

rose garden end
old version: Sales stop  旧バージョン:販売停止
exchange: Impossible 旧バージョンとの交換不可能
By upgrade, flower end for field type became unnecessary.
Although a new flower is released by the same name, specifications completely differ.

field タイプの薔薇のアップデートにより、端に使う為のパーツが必要なくなりました。

An in-depth story is here. 詳細記事はこちらです。 

Stock of Rose
old version: Continuation of sales  旧バージョン:販売継続
exchange : Possible 旧バージョンとの交換可能
New version is 1prim. However, since it's Sculpted prim, it's not flexible. An old version has the high flexibility of edit. 

An in-depth story is here. 詳細記事はこちらです。 
Rose of hanging
old version: Sales stop 旧バージョン:販売停止
exchange: Impossible 旧バージョンとの交換不可能
The previous version is slightly released with the gift.

An in-depth story is here. 詳細記事はこちらです。 

  Arch of Rose
old version: Sales stop  旧バージョン:販売停止
exchange : Possible 旧バージョンとの交換可能
The prim number of a new version is decreasing. However, since it's Sculpted prim, it's not flexible. An old version has the high flexibility of edit. 

An in-depth story is here. 詳細記事はこちらです。 

Rose along wall
old version: Sales stop  旧バージョン:販売停止
exchange : Possible 旧バージョンとの交換可能
The prim number of a new version is decreasing. However, since it's Sculpted prim, it's not flexible. An old version has the high flexibility of edit.  

An in-depth story is here. 詳細記事はこちらです。 

Cage of Rose  Hedge of Rose
old version: Sales stop 旧バージョン:販売停止
exchange: Impossible 旧バージョンとの交換不可能
Cage of Rose from which specification differed was released. 
Cage of Roseと同じ名前で仕様を変えたものを新しくリリースしています。

An in-depth story is here. 詳細記事はこちらです。 


Detailed explanation is from the next contribution.

By this update, sale of the copy version was begun, respectively.
The copy version is sold in the marketplace. 

All previous versions are trans possible versions. Exchange with a copy version cannot be performed. 
