Rose encompassed me -renew

The reports here are details of the renewed rose.

Rose encompassed me (field type rose)
old version: Continuation of sales 旧バージョン:販売継続
exchange : Possible 旧バージョンとの交換可能


It's a rose flower garden.
The previous version was a flower garden using 20 cylinders prims. 

A new version covers the same 20mSQ as a previous version, using 3 kinds of sculpted prims a total of 9 pieces.  
Although the prim number was also able to be stopped more in fact, the nature of user-friendliness, extendibility, and appearance was considered and it became this form.
旧バージョンは シリンダープリムを20こ使った花畑でした。

The contents of packing are as follows. 梱包内容は以下の通りです。
 Smaller flower garden 小さめの花畑 (8x10 m) x4
 Border garden M
ボーダーガーデンM (4x12 m)x2
 Border garden S
ボーダーガーデンS (3x6.5 m)x3 

A link is removed and can be combined with various forms according to the place to plant. 
If the English garden is made, it will become easy to make the border garden which becomes wanting. 

However, like a previous version, it cannot do flexibly and cannot perform fine division or modification, either.
The previous version of the flexibility of edit is higher. 


A texture is almost the same as a previous version.
It can use, even if it mixes a previous version.
The rose here also continues and sells a previous version.
Please choose according to liking. 


The pop here is attached to the previous version. 
When you wish exchange with an old Rose field, please write your avatar name to a note card and send a Rose old to mikatsuki Matova
I will send a thing with the new same color. 


旧作をアバター名を書いたノートカードと共にmikatsuki Matovaまで送ってください。 

By the way, 1 color of new colors were added in the new version.
It is the purple rose here.
It is familiar that will point out this purple with a rose in many cases if it is said that it is blue. 

There is also a blue rose unique to Second Life. However, in liking, please use purple for the near yard with reality.
Second Life ならではの青薔薇もありますが、リアルに近いお庭をお好みの場合、ぜひブルーガーデンには、こちらを使ってみてください。

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