It's introduction of jumpseed today.
Although released as a flower of autumn, it begins to bloom from the start of summer in practice.
mizuhiki of a name of Japan also has data currently explained to be the name attached since the stalk of the thin flower seemed to be mizubiki.
However, mizuhiki is the name which came from the color of the flower.
As for flower, the upper part is red and the lower part is white.
(Mizubiki is the decoration attached to a present in Japan.
Various colors are properly used by the meaning of a present. )
The leaf is too form without the characteristic. However,
A lot of things which a spot is in can tell the difference with others.
There is also a kind of white flower and it is called "silver mizubiki" here.
This is another kind although there is also grass named "golden mizubiki."
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the gold-coloured mizuhiki is used for weddings. It can also be used for other celebrations such as a new home, but in this case you should put lots of money inside.
the red-white mizuhiki is used for celebrations in general - most presents are accompanied by red-white mizuhiki. In general for festivities that are welcome to happen more than one.
the five-coloured mizuhiki is used to ward of evil. You can use it to celebrate a birth or the first day at school. You often see five-coloured flags at temples, which is why this mizuhiki is also used for temple festivities or when somebody buys a cemetary plot
the gold-white mizuhiki are used for Buddhist celebrations, anniversaries of funerals or offerings made to a temple
black-white mizuhiki are used for funerals
the silver-mizuhiki is used for funeral money and to pay the buddhist priest for a service performance
the red-golden mizuhiki is used to pay for shinsatsu or kadomatsu at the shrine
Then there's different "ribbons" - the bow knot (cho-musubi) is used for things that "are welcome to happen more than once" - so are not used for funerals and weddings.
出産(子宝に恵まれますように)、入学(何度もさらに上に進学できますように)、お歳暮(来年にも贈れますように)、賞品(何度も賞が獲れますよう に)、昇進(何度も昇進されますように)・・・
the bow knot-type is the mizuhiki for births (to have many children), when entering school (after primary school to get into junior high school, senior high school and eventually university), for seasonal greetings (to send them again next year), for prizes (so you can win again) and for promotions (to be promoted again) etc.
the musubi-kiri (mostly a simple knot as shown on the right) is for things you don't wish to happen again - so for weddings (you don't want the couple to get a divorce and get married again), for hospital visits (to not get back into hospital) and for funerals (to not have another funeral in the family)
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